
Choices and Consequences

The story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and eventually, the Eastern Arabic lineage of Ishmael intruiges me. 

One woman’s doubt. 
One man’s lack of faith. 

The consequences of Abraham and Sarah’s mistrust in God have rippled through an entire generation and we are still seeing the disastrous effects of it today. What would have happened if they had believed in His promise of a son to them? What would have happened if they had chosen to trust Him with the desire of their hearts instead of taking things into their own hands? 

What has He promised to you? What is the desire of your heart that you waiting for? 

His promises may sound impossible and downright absurd sometimes. We look at the physical circumstances around us and we wonder how any of it will ever come to pass. Our hope is deferred time and time again and in the waiting our hearts grow sick. Like Sarah, we are tempted to take things into our own hands and settle for easier options instead of waiting for what seems like the impossible. 

But know that there is a great reward that awaits those who remain faithful and patiently endure the heartache of waiting. It is hard – but not as hard as facing the consequences and regret of disobedience. We may not understand it now, but our choices to trust and move forward in obedience (or the other way around) will set the course for the generations that come after us.


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